Arch Linux

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Revision as of 02:04, 25 February 2019 by Kyau (talk | contribs)
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Even for a seasoned command line ninja, like yourself perhaps, remembering how or why you had done something can sometimes be a discouraging task. Like programmers that turn to revision control for an extension of their own brain power, I took a similar route to my experiences with Arch Linux. While most if not all of this information can be found on the ArchWiki and Forums, I tend to prefer a different style of organization to my data. Maybe if I am lucky along the way, this will help someone else, but if nothing else It helps me reinforce my own knowledge of Linux and Arch Linux in general.

"The single most effective way to gain insight and prove understanding is to teach it to others."

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Icon My History with Arch Linux

When it comes to desktop operating systems (OS) I am extremely picky. Heck I attempted to use FreeBSD (yes, the server OS) as a desktop OS for many years until finally admitting to myself that things I wanted for that OS just were not going to happen in the desktop space.

In 2010 I decided to make the switch back to Linux and had been fishing around for new distros to try out. I figured how hard could it be, after all my first dive into Linux was Slackware way back in 1998 (sometimes I still have dreams of compiling on that old 386). I tried a lot of distributions including: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, openSUSE, Gentoo, and a few others before finally turning toward Arch Linux.

From the moment I installed Arch I was hooked, whether its the extensive ArchWiki, or the fact that the Arch Linux Forums hostname is an homage to the old BBS systems of yesteryear.

I then knew that I had found a new home.

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Arch Linux: Succeeding on the Bleeding Edge
Allan Mcrae @ XX SINFO 2013