MegaMUD - Remote Commands
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Remote Commands
MegaMud has the ability to respond to commands that are telepathed, spoken or paged to the character. This can be used to remote control your character to a small degree. Now heavily utilized in playing multiple characters at once or for allowing control of your character by someone else.
Basic Commands
Returns the version of MegaMud currently running on the receiver's computer.
Returns the current health and mana/kai of the character, special states are also included (eg. Resting, Blinded, etc.)
Returns the amount of experience made since starting MegaMud including the experience rate.
Returns the current character level.
Returns the current task and action (the messages displayed in the user's status bar).
Returns the number of lives the character has remaining.
Returns the current location (romm name) of the character, available exits are also shown.
Returns the name of the path file the character is currently using.
@seen <character>
Returns whether or not the character has been seen and if so, where they were last seen.
Returns a list of characters and monsters that are currently within the same room.
Returns a list of visible items within the current room.
Returns the wealth (in copper) being carried by the character.
Returns the current character encumbrance.
@have <item>
Returns whether or not and how many of said item the character has, required exact item name.
@home <monster>
Returns the status of a monster (character requires mudop privileges).
Causes MegaMud to invite you to the character's party.
Causes MegaMud to join the character who sent the command.
Causes MegaMud to remove the character who sent the command from the current party.
Force pickup of all items in the current room.
Drop all items in the character's inventory.
Equip any items in the character's inventory that are not already equipped.
Forces the character to deposit any excess cash they are carrying.
@do <command>
Executes the <command> as if it where typed by the character, results are not returned.
Movement / Loops
@goto <room>
Sets the character's destination to be the specified room name or four digit room code.
@loop <path>
Sets the character's destination loop to be the specified path file.
@looponce <path>
Causes the character to loop the specified path file once then returns the character to their original loop.
@roam [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-roaming mode.
Forces the character to stop moving.
Causes the character to start moving again if they were previously auto-roaming or sent a @stop command.
Toggle Settings
@attack-last [on|off]
Toggles the character's attack last setting.
@auto-all [on|off]
Toggles the character's all-off mode.
@auto-combat [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-combat setting.
@auto-nuke [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-nuke (room attacks) setting.
@auto-heal [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-heal setting.
@auto-bless [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-bless setting.
@auto-light [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-light setting.
@auto-cash [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-cash setting.
@auto-get [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-get setting.
@auto-sneak [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-sneak setting.
@auto-hide [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-hide setting.
@auto-search [on|off]
Toggles the character's auto-search setting.
Returns a list of the character's auto settings which are currently enabled.
Resets all of MegaMud's internal flags and statistics.
@divert [on|off]
Enables diverting of all the character's communications (eg. telepaths, pages, etc.) to the sender. Can be canceled by simple saying @divert.
Causes the character to hang-up immediately. If there are penalties in place, it might be best to first check with @status and then use @do x instead.
Causes the character to issue their defined relog command and re-logon.
Party Response Commands
Telepathed by MegaMud to the party leader if it needs to rest. This is sent to inform the leader that is should stop moving and wait for the character to heal.
Telepathed by MegaMud to the party leader when it has finished resting. This is sent after a @wait command to inform the party leader it may recommence movement. MegaMud will keep track of multiple party members and will not restart movement until all of the followers have rested.
Telepathed by MegaMud when a character gets separated from the party leader because they cannot move. The leader who receives this command will back-track up to 5 rooms to try and find you (after that, he/she will continue on as normal). If the leader sees you and re-invites you, the leader will continue on as normal.
Spoken by MegaMud as a general request for aid, this will be sent if your character's health drops below the 'Run' mark and you are within a party. Other party members will attempt to heal the character if they are capable of doing so.
Spoken by MegaMud as a general request for a blindness cure, this will be sent if you become blinded while in a party. Other party members will attempt to cure the character if they are capable.
Spoken by MegaMud as a general request for a disease cure, this will be sent if you become diseased while in a party. Other party members will attempt to cure the character if they are capable.
Spoken by MegaMud when a character becomes held while in a party. Other party members will attempt to free the character if they are capable.
@party <command>
Spoken by the party leader, all party followers will execute the specified command. This is used in situations where the party followers need to execute a command (eg. go hole) to keep up with the party leader. The leader will then re-check the party and re-invite members if needed.
@kill <character>
Utilized by party members that have the 'Defend Party' option turned on, this will signal other party members that a member is being attacked by another player and that they should all join in to help defend the party.
Used by the party leader to signal all members should share any cash collected between the rest of the party. (Usually disabled on boards for exploit reasons)
Used by the party leader to signal to the party that they are about to teleport or hang due to low HP, this allows any followers to do the same (can be disabled in the party settings dialog).
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